The Dogs
GCHB Agust’s du Soleil Invincible
Am IABCA Ch Agust’s Crystal Pyramid, SC, BN, CD, AD, BCAT, CGC, NTD
GCH Agust’s Jubilation, SC
Am IABCA Ch Agust’s Enchanted Tale
Sonoma’s Long May You Run At Agust
Broken Heart
Am IABCA Ch Agust’s Nomadic Soul. JC, BCAT, BN, AD
Ch Agust’s Adara
Agust’s Solar Flare
Ch Agust’s Saturn Moon
Am IABCA Ch Kansai’Z Calling All Angels, SC, BN, CD
Kansai’Z Black Diamond
Agust’s Galaxy
Am IABCA Ch Radost Hobson Del Viento Agust, JC
Am Can IABCA Ch Kenai’s Aldebaran
Agust’s Northern Explorer
Am Can IABCA Ch Kenai’s Shooting Star
Kenai’s Law & Order
Star and Orion 1-7-07
Mira and Hobson 5-24-08
Adara and Bronson 01-03-14
Totem and Ataman 08-02-19
Call: +503-807-1195
The Dogs
GCHB Agust’s du Soleil Invincible
Am IABCA Ch Agust’s Crystal Pyramid, SC, BN, CD, AD, BCAT, CGC, NTD
GCH Agust’s Jubilation, SC
Am IABCA Ch Agust’s Enchanted Tale
Sonoma’s Long May You Run At Agust
Broken Heart
Am IABCA Ch Agust’s Nomadic Soul. JC, BCAT, BN, AD
Ch Agust’s Adara
Agust’s Solar Flare
Ch Agust’s Saturn Moon
Am IABCA Ch Kansai’Z Calling All Angels, SC, BN, CD
Kansai’Z Black Diamond
Agust’s Galaxy
Am IABCA Ch Radost Hobson Del Viento Agust, JC
Am Can IABCA Ch Kenai’s Aldebaran
Agust’s Northern Explorer
Am Can IABCA Ch Kenai’s Shooting Star
Kenai’s Law & Order
Star and Orion 1-7-07
Mira and Hobson 5-24-08
Adara and Bronson 01-03-14
Totem and Ataman 08-02-19
Contact Agust
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